Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Will Britain one day be Muslim?

The demographics tell a story, and it is not a comforting one. See the full article here.

"...in 2005, the European average [birthrate] was 1.38. In Ireland it was 1.9, France 1.89, Germany 1.35 and Italy 1.23. Britain scored in the middle of this range with 1.6, but that was because - like France - we have a large Muslim population with a high birth rate. Indeed, Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims throughout Europe."

"Just look at the development within Europe," said a triumphant Norwegian imam a few months ago, "where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes. Every Western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. Our way of thinking will prove more powerful than yours."

Unlike the US, a country that has a large right wing section of society with more traditional values and a much higher birth-rate, Britain's secular mindset has produced 200,000 abortions a year in England and Wales, and a generation of women who are much more likely to choose a career over Motherhood. Regardless of your personal judgement on this, it never-the-less produces very fertile ground for the growth of Islam.

"It is a world where one child families abound and to have more than two children is to be regarded as eccentric and probably environmentally irresponsible.
Moreover, the erosion of family life and the long-hours culture place a very heavy burden on those prepared to rear the next generation.
Despite these social forces, even in the UK, devout Muslims and orthodox Jews obey instructions to have large families."

In 2002 the name Muhammad entered the UK's top thirty most popular names for newborns. In 2007 it became number two.

It is ironic that the very people (liberal feminists) responsible for the move from the home to the workplace for women, and the phenomenal growth of abortion, will be the very people who's freedoms are most at risk from the encroachment of Islam.

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