Thursday, July 24, 2008

Muslim Britain & Facebook

I have started a group on Facebook called, 'Britain is becoming a Muslim State', and I have linked to this blog. Rules for setting up groups are:

'Facebook's terms of use state that users agree not to upload, post or share content that the site deems "harmful, threatening, unlawful ... inflammatory ... hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable".'

It will be interesting to find out how long the group survives. Increasingly, areas where public debate takes place have become off limits for certain conversations. Our policies on immigration and the destruction of our culture are certainly subjects that we cannot sensibly discuss. This blog reports the facts - facts that the mainstream media seem reticent to publish, and when it does, is unwilling to examine the implications and draw the correct conclusions.

We must be able to talk about the biggest change to our social structure that Britain has faced in modern times.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat

"A police force has apologised to Islamic leaders for the "offensive" postcard advertising a new non-emergency telephone number, which shows a six-month-old trainee police dog named Rebel. "

Muslims had complained in sufficient numbers to elicit an apology from the Police Service.

It is surely ridiculous to be apologising to people who understood our culture before they came here and then want concessions on a whole range of issues. The English love their dogs and it is us who should be offended when asked to remove them from publicity campaigns.

This is also a case of ignorance amongst Muslims. The Qur'an tells us that it is only the saliva of the dog that is 'unclean'.

Full story here.

Also Police sniffer dogs will have to wear bootees when searching the homes of Muslims so as not to cause offence and UK Police dogs are to receive Muslim sensitivity training.

It seems that Islamic groups in Britain are seeing exactly how far we are willing to go to appease them.

Even the banks are joining the Neville Chamberlain school of appeasement as they are banning piggy banks because they may offend some Muslims.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Muslim Rape of British Girls

The large number of sex crimes committed by Muslim men may well be coincidental with the proclamation by a leading English Muslim lawyer that it is okay for Muslims to kill infidels and rape their women:

'During a question answer session in East London Mosque, preacher Imam Abdul Makin was asked by a niqabi muslima about recent fatwa from a well known Imam.

Naqabi Woman: “One eyed hooked Imam Hamza Mesri said muslims can kill British infidels and have sex with their wives and daughters, Do you agree with him?”

Imam: “It is not what Imam Hamza said nor is there a question of my agreeing with him or not. It is in Quran thus those are Allah’s orders.”

N.W.: “But why would Allah tell muslims to kill and rape innocent non muslims?”

Imam: “Because Non-muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet. If you don’t believe me, here is the legal authority, the top muslim lawyer of Britain, Anjem Choudhary.'

N.W. “ But our Prophet was sent as a mercy for all the humanity; he never hurt any body in his life”

Imam: “Yes he never hurt a muslim in his life. But Allah said non-muslim are lowest beasts and worst creatures in ayas 8.22,8.55,95.5 and 98.6 and muslim are ordered to kill them."

The following Muslim related sex attacks have all appeared in British Newspapers in the last few months:

Man jailed for committing more rapes while on bail for rape
Sex Attack by mosque leader "Changed my girl" says Mum
Muslim man kidnaps 14 yr old school girl for sex
Muslim Men rape four British School Girls at Amusement Park
UK Muslim preacher jailed for rape

And this recently:

"British girls as young as 12 are being forced into prostitution by migrants in a new crime of 'internal' people trafficking. Children from ordinary families are groomed by older men posing as boyfriends before being pimped around the UK to have sex up to 20 times a night.They are raped and often drugged, according to police.Officers have identified 'syndicates of Iraqi men throughout the UK' behind the exploitation. A Government report said 'internal trafficking' was an 'emerging issue' and it should no longer be assumed young victims of sex exploitation were smuggled from abroad."
Full story here.

It would seem that the sexual abuse of non-Muslim women by Muslims is escalating around Europe as mass immigration continues. View the following links:

Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way


The Norwegian Government - Covering Up Immigrant Rapes

The following does not state specifically whether the sex attackers in Norway are Muslim or not, but 65% of rapes are committed by people of non-Western ethnic origin. This is an incredibly disproportionate amount of attacks committed by immigrants.

"From an Oslo, Norway newspaper Aftenposten = "Two out of three charged with rape in Norway's capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily. The study is the first where the crime statistics have been analyzed according to ethnic origin. Of the 111 charged with rape in Oslo last year, 72 were of non-western ethnic origin, 25 are classified as Norwegian or western and 14 are listed as unknown.....Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen of Oslo's Vice, Robbery and Violent crime division says the statistics are surprising - the rising number of rape cases and the link to ethnic background are both clear trends. But Larsen does not want to speculate on the reasons behind the worrying developments."

Note that Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen does not want to speculate. The political correctness that is strangling the West is preventing any meaningful discussion on the issues we are encountering with rampant immigration and the growth of Islam in European countries. This will ultimately cause our downfall as it is virtually impossible to oppose anything that Muslims do without being labeled a racist.

To have a growing number of people in our country who believe that non-Muslims are never innocent and can therefore be treated like 'beasts', is worrying. Obviously many moderate Muslims do not think like this, but only because they do not properly understand the Qur'an and the Hadiths.

'...Allah said non-muslim are lowest beasts and worst creatures in ayas 8.22,8.55,95.5 and 98.6 and muslim are ordered to kill them.'

The problem with the introduction of Islam into the UK means that alongside the moderates, come the radicals. You will never have one without the other.

Radicals similar to Australia's most senior Muslim cleric who says the following:

'Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.'

UPDATE - A link detailing Muslim rapes across Europe:

Pan-European Arab Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic

The Qur'an - Channel 4 (on women and the Qur'an)

Channel 4s two hour documentary on the Qur'an was aired tonight. An interesting conversation about the Qur'an and it's attitude towards women:

Interviewer - 'As you read the Qur'an you don't feel it relegates women to an inferior status?'

Muslim Woman - 'Not at all.'

Interviewer - 'Really?'

Muslim Woman - 'If there is any disempowerment in this part of the world, it is entirely cultural - it's nothing to do with religion - the Qur'an dignifies women - I feel that every day.'

Narrator - 'Men and women entirely equal in Islam? Any disparities cultural and nothing to do with Islam? Let's hear some of those verses from the Qur'an.'

'Men are the managers of women's affairs in that God has preferred one over the other.'

Dr Souad Saleh (Dean, Islamic Jurisprudence, Al-Azhar University) herself a woman, in response - '...meaning that man is financially responsible for the family and supplying all their needs.'

Narrator - 'Men are a degree above women.'

Dr Souad Saleh
- 'But the woman is equal to the man in everything that touches human feelings - love, trust, confidence, pride, respect and honour.'

Narrator - 'Those wives you fear may be rebellious, admonish, banish to their couches and beat them.'

Dr Souad Saleh -'Islam says through the Qur'an that beating is appropriate for a certain type of woman. Not all women. This teaching applies to the woman who disobeys her husband, and refuses to live in her house, and refuses to raise her children, and wants to go out whenever she pleases, and wants no one to control her, and is unwilling to fulfill her duties.'

Narrator - 'Your wives are land to be tilled, so till your land when and how you will.'

Dr Souad Saleh - 'This is an honouring of women. Women are not the property of a man - they are like the fertile land that a husband takes care of and doesn't exhaust.'

It is worth noting that Dr Souad Saleh has received death threats for her interpretation of the Qur'an.

The program seems to be slightly better fare that the usual wimpishness served up by the unBritish Broadcasting Corporation that seems to be too frightened to represent any critical views of Islam.

Also from the documentary - if liberals in the UK have any doubts about what some Muslims think about us, the following quote from a Muslim leader should suffice:

'Circumcision [female genital mutilation] is the reason Muslim women are virtuous, unlike Western women who run after their sexual appetite in any place, with any man. I hope I don't insult or embarrass the English nation , where adultery occurs on a large scale - with circumcision it would refine, rectify, purify.'

English boys punished with detention for refusing to pray to Allah ...

Two 7th grade boys were punished for refusing to kneel and pray to Allah in a religious studies lesson at a Stoke-on-Trent School.

See here.

Will Britain one day be Muslim?

The demographics tell a story, and it is not a comforting one. See the full article here.

" 2005, the European average [birthrate] was 1.38. In Ireland it was 1.9, France 1.89, Germany 1.35 and Italy 1.23. Britain scored in the middle of this range with 1.6, but that was because - like France - we have a large Muslim population with a high birth rate. Indeed, Muslims are outbreeding non-Muslims throughout Europe."

"Just look at the development within Europe," said a triumphant Norwegian imam a few months ago, "where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes. Every Western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. Our way of thinking will prove more powerful than yours."

Unlike the US, a country that has a large right wing section of society with more traditional values and a much higher birth-rate, Britain's secular mindset has produced 200,000 abortions a year in England and Wales, and a generation of women who are much more likely to choose a career over Motherhood. Regardless of your personal judgement on this, it never-the-less produces very fertile ground for the growth of Islam.

"It is a world where one child families abound and to have more than two children is to be regarded as eccentric and probably environmentally irresponsible.
Moreover, the erosion of family life and the long-hours culture place a very heavy burden on those prepared to rear the next generation.
Despite these social forces, even in the UK, devout Muslims and orthodox Jews obey instructions to have large families."

In 2002 the name Muhammad entered the UK's top thirty most popular names for newborns. In 2007 it became number two.

It is ironic that the very people (liberal feminists) responsible for the move from the home to the workplace for women, and the phenomenal growth of abortion, will be the very people who's freedoms are most at risk from the encroachment of Islam.